How It Works

You have most likely searched for places in your area already, but how do we get that information?

AccessibleToMe relies on communal input. The website administrators cannot possibly visit every public location in the United States. We need adventurous people, like you, to submit location assessments whenever you go somewhere others might want to go; restaurants, stores, museums, concert venues, hotels, beaches, everywhere!

Gathering Information

We rely on people like you to send us helpful and accurate information. It helps to keep a journal with you at all times so you can jot down notes about the places you visit. The information we need relates to key areas of your experience. Don’t focus on deficiencies. Just tell it like it is.

  1. The Entrance — Things to note are how easy it is to park, how many accessible spots there are, what condition the parking lot or sidewalk is in, ramps or stairs to the entrance, how heavy the door is, etc. This can often make or break any outing with a disability.
  2. The Interior — How easy is it to get around inside? This also pertains to open areas. What is it like inside the park, the amphitheater, the picnic area? Things to note are the width of aisles, closeness of tables, uneven floors, elevators, escalators, stairs, ease of reaching items on shelves, etc. Just be honest and informative. Remember, this is information, not a review.
  3. Restrooms — This is a big one for a lot of people. Things to note are location, ease of getting to the door, width of the door, configuration (single occupancy, multiple stalls, etc.), grab bars, counter height, paper towel or hand dryer height, etc. Again, be honest and informative.

Different listing types require additional information, but this list should get you thinking. It’s always better to write down too much.

Submitting Assessments

Gathering information is the hardest part, but submitting it is super easy. Just hover your mouse over the Add Listing menu item, above, to reveal a list of categories. Choose the best one that fits your location. Then just fill in the required information in the form.

A valid location address is required. This ties your input to the correct location, especially when a business may have multiple locations.

The forms allow for more information than is required. If you want to be extra helpful, you can input extra location information, like business hours, phone number, website, upload photos, etc.

Delayed Appearance

Every submitted assessment goes through an editing process. You don’t have to be an English major. We will check for spelling and grammatical errors for you.

Our team of editors will also strive to fill in missing business info, like opening hours and contact info. This is why we require an accurate location address. It helps us find the correct location.

Remember, these are assessments, not reviews. Any insulting or inflammatory comments will be removed.

Once your submission is reviewed, it will go live on the site, usually within 24 hours.

The more you submit, the more we all benefit!