A Different Kind of Directory

Welcome to AccessibleToMe.com! If you’re like me, you have a disability. If not, you probably know at least one person who does. And it’s no wonder. According to the latest US census data, almost 20% of the US population has a disability; defined as at least some difficulty performing everyday tasks.

But, here’s the thing… not everyone who has a disability has the same disability.

That’s why this site exists. You can find other accessibility sites, and some Facebook groups, but they focus on one notion of accessibility — the American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines — which define the building codes for full wheelchair access. Those guidelines are wonderful, and something for all businesses to strive for, but what if a certain business does not meet those requirements? Should they be shunned by the disabled community? What if the building is old and renovations would require too much money for the proprietor to handle? What if it’s an outdoor facility that would suffer from accessibility modifications? Should we label those locations as “inaccessible” and stay away?

In short, no. This site aims for a different goal. Here you will find short, yet comprehensive descriptions of what visiting each location entails. Are there stairs? How wide are the aisles? Can a wheelchair fit in the restroom?

Our goal is to present the facts, in enough detail so you can determine for yourself, according to your own unique abilities, the answer to the question, “is it accessible to me?

We hope you find this site useful!